One of my greatest accomplishments is achieving the rank of Eagle Scout in Scouting. Acheving the rank of Eagle Scout was hard but worth it. To earn it I had to get lots of merit badges like Personal Manegment or Cooking and perform countless hours of service. I had to go on 21 campouts with my scout troop and was the cook for multiple campouts. The final requirement was to plan out a project that would help serve the community, get it approved, and then follow it through. For my project I landscaped an area behind the Mission High Schools teacher loungee where they would eat lunch. I supplied a new table with an umbrella for shade and painted the existing table in the school colors. It was hard and a lot of work but was worth it and I am thankful for my experience. One thing I realy enjoy doing is playing the piano. I have been playing the piano for a long time with three difrent teachers. With my current teacher I am in a program called the Certificat of Merit. This program teaches advanced piano theory in difrent sections. I have passed the first two levels of it in the last two years. I also have participatedmin sevral art contests. I have won sevral PTA art reflections for my school and when I was seven I got 1st place in the Google Doodle contest and won a Wii.
My favorite Things Include: